BEAMS Alternator Bracket kits

BEAMS Alternator Bracket kits
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Beams Aternator Bracket - Series 1 - w/o ALT
Beams Aternator Bracket - Series 2 w/ ALT

If your BEAMS alternator goes bad or you just want the peace of mind of running a readily available JZ alternator, then our bracket is for you! You may be able to source a BEAMS alternator or possibly a retrofit version designed to bolt in, but what do you do when it goes bad again? Our bracket allows the use of the common Toyota/Lexus Alternator available worldwide, all the other benefits are listed below!!

  General fitment

  The all new alternator bracket bolts onto the stock 3 mounting points on the side of the engine block, this ensures a solid base for the bracket to do it's job. The new alternator is from any JZ from '95 to '05 with a 2.8" (71mm) pulley ('98-'05 GS300 is a good choice). The pulley is slightly larger then the BEAMS which will reduce the peak RPM on the alternator and prolong it's life, it's also needed for proper belt fitment. While the JZ pulley is a 6 rib, the BEAMS 4 rib belt drive will align properly, no need to change pulleys.

  Electrical connections 

  The JZ alternator uses the same plug type as the BEAMS for the excite wires and the same size post for the power wire. The location of the two connections are quite close to the BEAMS locations making hook ups easy. The difficulty with other alternator kits is the placement of the power wire right up against the engine block leaving nearly no room for error to cause a dead short and potential fire. The excite circuit is another benefit with the JZ alternator as the circuit is identical to the function of the BEAMS so there's no question if the alternator will work or not as with later model alternators used in other kits that have multiple excite designs.

Alternator power output 

  The stock BEAMS alternator is a 90 amp unit, the JZ alternator used in our kit is a 100 amp. Other kits on the market actually down grade you to an 80 amp unit, you sure you want to do that? Most alternators are not rated to run at peak output, much as injectors or home generators are designed to run at 80% capacity. An 80 amp alternator will only safely output approximately 64 amps if you want it to last, our JZ alternator will function properly at 80 amps. Starting adding up fuel pump, fans, engine controls and lights, you'll have a problem with only 64 amps.

 Weight savings and construction 

  While our bracket is made from formed and welded steel instead of aluminum, we managed to keep the weight down from a stock of 5.2 lbs. to ours at only 1.4 lbs. Our formed steel design allows us to use the 3 point mounting that Toyota uses for a solid base on the engine allowing us to then build in high torsional strength due to the contoured and welded steel construction. 


 There are two kits, the Series 1 kit does not have the alternator while the Series 2 kit comes with the 100A alternator.

Engine not included!


Series 1 Kit includes:

New Bracket

Bolting hardware

New drive belt


Series 2 Kit includes:

New Bracket

Bolting hardware

New drive belt

100A Alternator


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